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Massage is an ancient discipline that aims to find natural balance. It works on a physical, mental and emotional level, treating the body as a whole and thus improving circulation, posture, breathing, reducing anxiety and stress, helping to improve mobility, flexibility, eliminate toxins, increase the energy level and calm the mind. 

Relaxing Massage: traditional massage with slow movements and gentle pressure, which aims to achieve physical and mental relaxation. It is the ideal Massage if you want to release muscular tensions, reduce tiredness, stress and/or anxiety or simply give or treat yourself to a moment of peace.

Ayurveda Massage: Massage with Ayurvedic and acupressure techniques, which seeks to relieve physical, mental and emotional tensions, stimulating circulation and producing a relaxing effect and general wellbeing. It activates the internal energy and vital force, helping the body to eliminate toxins and find its  natural balance.

Tibetan Singing Bowl Massage: this is a natural harmonisation technique that acts on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. During the massage, the singing bowl is placed on different parts of the patient’s body so that he/she can feel its vibration and relax with its sound. It helps to calm the mind, improving the ability to concentrate and meditate.

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Monday – Friday : 07:00 – 21:30

Saturday – Sunday : 09:00 – 14:00